Sunday, December 21, 2014

Easy way to remove d3dx9_34.dll error

Try to launch a certain program like Call of Duty 4 but getting a message telling “the program can’t start because d3dx9_34.dll is missing”? The d3dx9_34.dll is a library file contained in the Microsoft DirectX 9 software package to as to ensure the proper running of some games on the PC. But it is common the case for the users to get a d3dx9_34.dll not found error message when trying to play a game or simply starting up the computer (why Windows starts too slow). No matter whenever it appears, you should take immediate actions to repair it instantly.

Possible causes of d3dx9_34.dll error
D3dx9_34.dll error is originated from the damaged d3dx9_34.dll module which belongs to Microsoft DirectX 9 from Microsoft Corporation. D3dx9_34.dll error can be generated by a list of system problems, including missing or damaged d3dx9_34.dll module, incompatible or corrupt executable files, incorrect BIOS setting, hardware malfunction and undesirable modification on the associated registry keys by spyware threats.

How to do when a d3dx9_34.dll is missing?
Most of the d3dx9_34.dll error is caused by the virus attacks on your computer as viruses, spyware programs are able to attack all files on your computer. The missing file will make the Windows fail to successfully read the needed files and results in the d3dx9_34.dll not found error or missing d3dx9_34.dll error. So you should run a thorough virus scan to make sure that your computer is always virus-free.

After making sure the computer is totally virus free, search your whole hard disk drive to see whether you can find it or not. If not, there is no doubt to say that the d3dx9_34.dll missing error message is caused due to a mis-removal of this dll file. At this time, download a copy of the DLL from the Internet to fix d3dx9_34.dll error. Most of the dll files are available downloading on the Internet. In this way, you can download one from a trusted website and replace it with the missing or corrupted one on your computer. Sometimes, it helps to fix the d3dx9_34.dll error after a computer reboot.

Also, you can reinstall the applications which are reporting the d3dx9_34.dll error. If the d3dx9_34.dll error comes from a 3rd party software, try to uninstall and reinstall it again. Some applications save you the trouble from doing that by including a “Repair” option when you try to uninstall it. This method can help you retrieve the missing dll file in order to fix d3dx9_34.dll error.

However, for those who still feel confused about how to fix the d3dx9_34.dll not found issue, I highly recommended to use some automatic d3dx9_34.dll error fixer program to do the job safely and effectively. According to experts’ advice, the best way to get rid of all d3dx9_34.dll problems is to run a good registry cleaner which has all the library of DLL files and definitions of registry problems. In this way, it can not only fix d3dx9_34.dll errors, but also fix all registry errors on the computer, returning you a completely clean system within clicks.

So, still troubled with the d3dx9_34.dll is missing error on your computer right now? Take the above solutions right now and you can instantly get rid of it and play your games correctly all the time.

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