Description of DriverMax
DriverMax can be considered as a Rogue infection or fake optimized utility created by the cyber criminal to make profits. It claims to be a free scan for PCs that helps the user to find outdated programs on the computer and also optimized the system performance. Once DriverMax is installed on the computer successfully, it will pop up on your desktop automatically every time you start the computer. It will ask you to scan for updates on your computer.
If you click to scan your computer, it will show a lot of outdated drivers on your computer. It recommend you to download its new version of the programs, but it will ask you to create an account in order to use the program. If you click the OK, button, it will redirect you to the websites which ask for your personal information such as your full name and email address. And then it will constantly send you unwanted email spam and other unwanted messages. .
DriverMax is a fake optimized utility, it can be be trusted. Normally, Malware like DriverMax get into your computer through free downloads, spam emails, malicious website,etc. It may take up high system resource and CPU and slow down the PC performance. It will introduce malware to be downloaded by showing tricky message. Moreover, DriverMax is capable to connect your PC server to the hackers and convey your confidential information to the third party. It is recommended to remove DriverMax immediately.
Two options to Remove DriverMax
–Effective method to remove DriverMax
Option 1. Remove DriverMax manually.
Option2. Remove DriverMax by using SpyHunter anti-malware.
Instructions to get rid of DriverMax
For manually removal
Step 1. Press Ctrl+Alt+Del keys together and stop DriverMax processes in the Windows Task Manager.
Step 2. Access Windows Start Menu and navigate to the Control Panel (on Windows 8, right click the bottom left corner to access the Windows 8 Start Menu).
Step 3. Click Uninstall a program or Add and remove a program.
Step 4. Open Control Panel from Start menu and search for Folder Options. When Folder Options window opens, click on its View tab, tick Show hidden files and folders and non-tick Hide protected operating system files (Recommended) and then press OK.
Step 5.Open Registry Editor by navigating to Start Menu, type in Regedit, and then click OK. When you have been in Registry Editor, please remove the following related files and registry entries:
%AllUsersProfile%\Application Data\random
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\MpCmdRun.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\MpUXSrv.exe
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\MSASCui.exe
Step 5. . Scan your computer again with Spyhunter to check.
Instruction for using SpyHunter anti-malware:
SpyHunter is a world-famous real-time malware protection and removal tool, which is designed to detect , remove and protect your PC from the latest malware attacks, such as Trojans, worms, rootkits, rogue viruses, browser hijacker, ransomware, adware, key-loggers, and so forth. To keep SpyHunter Anti-malware on your computer is an important way to protect your computer in a good condition. Please find the instruction as follow.
Step1. Download SpyHunter by clicking on the icon below.
Step3. SpyHunter will start scanning your system automatically right after the installation has been completed successfully.
Step4. Select the detect malicious files after your scanning and click “Remove” button to clean up all viruses and invaders.
Step 5. Scan your computer again with Spyhunter to check.
Note: DriverMax is a dangerous malware to keep on the computer. You should remove it as soon as possible. While manually removal is a complex and tough task. If you are not so professional on computer and cannot solve the problem manually, you are recommended to using Spyhunter Anti-malware to remove malware for you easily and quickly. Furthermore, Spyhunter can block the malware and protect your computer from being attacked. Download Spyhunter to keep your computer from many computer invaders now.
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