Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Backdoor.Poison.bta Removal Tutorial - How To Stop This Virus For Good

So April 1st came and went with little activity from the Backdoor.Poison.bta. So all is well then right? Wrong. The virus is alive and still planning something terrible. It appears the whole April 1st thing was a "ruse" (who would have thunk it, especially on that day!) and the infection has not executed it's ultimate plans as of yet. So you are not in the clear, and if you want to avoid a catastrophe I recommend you remove Backdoor.Poison.bta IMMEDIATELY.

If you check out the latest security news the Backdoor.Poison.bta is actively dropping a "mysterious payload" on systems across the world. According to Dave Perry, the Global Director of security company "Trend Micro", the worm appears to be using keyloggers to record sensitive information like passwords, credit card numbers, and other financial data and sending it to unauthorized parties. The infected computers that are exposed to this risk could be as high as 12 MILLION.

The Backdoor.Poison.bta is incredibly advanced and can sneakily avoid detection in most cases. It operates under a system component with a rootkit so it is able to hide the fact that it has infected your machine. Really the only way to truly know is to run a full scan of your system.

Expert have stated that the danger of the Backdoor.Poison.bta are far from over, in fact in some cases they have just begun. This could be the most deadly virus known to man, and we haven't even scratched the surface yet.

Backdoor.Poison.bta Removal

Because Conficker C uses such advanced technology, performing as manual removal is nearly impossible. The virus hangs out in strange and oft uses directories and processes. It also doesn't have the name "Conficker" in its file path so you cannot simply point and locate.

The only way to remove it is to download a Backdoor.Poison.bta removal tool. Unfortunately this can also be difficult to find because few antivirus programs have this kind of capability. But there are some out there that can remove Backdoor.Poison.bta quickly and keep your computer and identity safe from disaster. Don't wait until you have become the victim of this viruses wrath. Get protected today.

Tired of viruses infecting your computer? Want to surf the web with the peace of mind that your computer is safe and secure? Get your free scan from the top virus protection and remove Backdoor.Poison.bta.

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